Today we would like to show you some impressions from the last day of the Tapati Festival on Easter Island, especially from the Nari Nari parade.
Here, a dancing and music-making caravan of decorated floats, dance groups, and anyone else who wants to join in, parades down the main street, down to the sea, and then to the main festival site at Hanga Vare Vare. This year the parade was much smaller than usual, as normally a lot of tourists participate or line the roadsides to watch.
The Tapati Festival is THE annual tourist highlight on Easter Island, but since the outbreak of the pandemic, the island has been closed to commercial flights and thus tourism.
The familiar and relaxed atmosphere, the re-encounter with islanders you usually see only fleetingly, the "Spirit of Rapa Nui", the lived culture, beautiful artistic, traditional and imaginative design and much more, have made this parade and the whole Tapatifest an unforgettable experience for all participants.