
UN Day of Indigenous Populations

Every year on August 9 is the UN Day of Indigenous Populations. According to the United Nations, around 370 million people worldwide belong to indigenous groups. The livelihoods of many indigenous peoples are threatened, primarily by the lack of recognition of their rights, the increasing depletion of their natural resources and the consequences of climate change. The UN Day of Remembrance of Indigenous Populations draws attention to this.
A binding agreement under international lawThere is no such definition: indigenous peoples are usually the descendants of the first inhabitants of a region, who inhabited the territory before people with a different culture or from other parts of the world arrived.

Our cosmetic brand ANAKENA was born out of love and respect for the inhabitants of Easter Island, called RAPA NUI. We strive every day to be a dignified ambassador of this unique people, their history and rich culture, in whose community I, Petra, founder of this Indie Brand, have been privileged to live for 20 years now.

Of course, we are committed to the rights of indigenous peoples, to habitats and biodiversity, to improving livelihoods for all indigenous peoples around the world.

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