Turmeric extract

Curcuma longa (turmeric) root extract

Turmeric, scientifically known as Curcuma longa, is an aromatic, perennial herb from the ginger family (Zingiberaceae). Originally from South Asia, this plant is now cultivated in many tropical and subtropical regions. It reaches a height of around 80 to 110 cm and is characterized by large, light green, lanceolate leaves. From July to August, the flowers appear in various colors such as white, pink or purple. The fruit is a capsule, while the rhizomes are elongated and have a characteristic yellow-orange interior. These rhizomes, which exude an aromatic and spicy fragrance, are the most valuable part of the plant. Turmeric thrives best in warm, humid climates and is sensitive to cold. Propagation is mainly by root cuttings.

Turmeric is known by various names. Some examples are: Pua (Rapanui), Cúrcuma (Spain), Turmeric (England), Curcuma (France), Rea (Tahiti), Eka or Ena (Marquesas) and Olena (Hawaii).

In our Face creams and Body lotions we use a high-quality organic turmeric extract. This is obtained through a gentle process that preserves the natural properties of the turmeric root. The use of a glycerin base in our extract allows for optimal stabilization and utilization of the antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties of turmeric in our skincare products. This careful extraction process allows us to effectively incorporate the valuable ingredients of turmeric root into our formulations, maximizing the beneficial effects for skin care.

The main active ingredient curcumin has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects. These properties help to soothe the skin and protect it from harmful environmental influences. The turmeric extract in our products supports skin health in a variety of ways. It is particularly helpful in the care of blemished skin and can reduce blemishes. Studies have shown that turmeric stimulates collagen production and thus contributes to a firmer complexion.

When used, turmeric extract moisturizes the skin and contributes to a fresher complexion. The antioxidant effect of turmeric extract makes it a valuable ingredient in our face creams and body lotions. It protects the cell structures from free radicals and thus supports the skin's natural barrier.

Our brand has its roots in the Easter Islandwhere turmeric has played an important role in the local culture for generations. This deep connection to the island's tradition is reflected in the authenticity of our products. On Rapa Nui, as Easter Island is called in the local language, turmeric was traditionally used to dye fabrics made from mahute fibers. Mahute, also known as paper mulberry, was an important resource on the island and was used to make clothing, ceremonial items and everyday utensils. Another variation was the production of a paste that was used for body painting. Turmeric roots are also said to have healing properties in the treatment of stomatitis aphthosa (aphthae). Today, the plant grows in many gardens on Easter Island and thrives very well in Rapa Nui's climate.

By using turmeric extract in our products, we offer a natural and effective solution for various skin needs. Whether for daily care or as a supportive treatment, turmeric helps to improve the overall condition of the skin.

Can be found in the following products: Anakena body lotion and Face cream Anakena

Disclaimer: The information provided here is for information purposes only and does not replace medical advice. The effect of cosmetic products can vary from person to person. In case of skin problems or specific questions, a dermatologist or dermatologist should be consulted.